Archive | Shadow Minsterial

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Labor blocks new jobs in irrigated agriculture

  Palaszczuk Labor Government removes water development option in Water Act, robbing North Queensland of much needed irrigation projects Former LNP Government first introduced the option in 2014 which was supported by rural stakeholders and attracted new opportunities for water infrastructure projects LNP fought to maintain the option but Labor removed it – ignoring regional […]


Labor forced to back down on Adani – dirty deal kills Acland jobs

  Palaszczuk Labor Government forced into embarrassing back-down on new water laws that would have killed the Adani mine and thousands of North Queensland jobs Labor’s dirty deal with crossbench will kill off almost 700 jobs at Acland Coal Mine Annastacia Palaszczuk must explain to Queenslanders why their livelihoods weren’t worth saving from this job-destroying […]

Jackie Trad

Trad-led activists hijack Labor’s mining agenda

  Jackie Trad-led activists hell-bent on killing off New Hope and Adani projects Acland Stage 3 and Carmichael mine projects are at the top of Jackie Trad’s environmental activist hit lists Will once powerful unions stand up to Jackie Trad at this weekend’s State Labor Conference?   Jackie Trad-led activists have replaced traditional unions as […]


LNP backs community call for Labor to end Adani delays

LNP repeats calls for Annastacia Palaszczuk to guarantee no further delays to Adani projec Annastacia Palaszczuk must listen to business and community leaders who say Labor’s groundwater laws will kill vital job-creating projects Labor can’t keep changing the goal posts on advanced projects that have already received state and federal approvals, including the Acland coal […]


Palaszczuk opens door to costly delays for Adani project

Annastacia Palaszczuk confirms Adani project will need to comply with Labor’s news groundwater approval laws if passed through Parliament Labor ignores today’s open letter from business and community leaders who warn more roadblocks will cost jobs and risk investment Palaszczuk’s admission comes as thousands more jobs are slashed from regional Queensland employment market Annastacia Palaszczuk […]


Palaszczuk must guarantee Labor’s groundwater laws won’t delay Adani project

  Annastacia Palaszczuk must guarantee North and Central Queenslanders that Labor’s new groundwater approval laws won’t delay Adani’s Carmichael Mine Labor can’t keep changing the goal posts and slapping more green tape on advanced projects that have already received state and federal approvals Annastacia Palaszczuk must stop saying one thing in North and Central Queensland […]

Jackie Trad

Trad’s revenge on Queensland farmers

The Palaszczuk Government ramps up its political retribution against Queensland farmers Assessments of High Value Agriculture applications grind to a halt as Jackie Trad issues ‘pens down’ order to her Department Vindictive Trad ignores wishes of Queensland Parliament and seeks bureaucratic revenge on farmers The Palaszczuk Government has ramped up its political retribution against Queensland […]


Palaszczuk trying to rewrite history on Adani approvals

  Annastacia Palaszczuk says one thing about Adani in Townsville but another in Brisbane Annastacia Palaszczuk’s claims she will ‘stare down the Greens’ is totally laughable The Palaszczuk Labor Government has no interest in ensuring Adani gets off the ground.    The Palaszczuk Labor Government has frustrated and delayed the assessment and approval process for […]

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The Palaszczuk Government has continued to pander to green activists and overseas bureaucrats while refusing to consult with Queensland’s farmers and landholders over important legislation, as it continues to manipulate environmental issues for political gain. Shadow Natural Resources Minister, Andrew Cripps, said Deputy Premier Jackie Trad’s media statement following another meeting with UNESCO was a […]