Panoramic views at Panjoo Lookout

Panjoo Lookout opening - Cripps & Dickson (3) edited - 12.01.15


Panoramic views of Hinchinbrook Island and the Great Barrier Reef await visitors to the newly opened Panjoo Lookout in Girringun National Park atop the Cardwell Range on the Bruce Highway.

Member for Hinchinbrook Andrew Cripps, and National Parks Minister Steve Dickson officially opened the 15m long and 3m wide lookout today, as part of the Newman LNP Government’s commitment to improving access to National Parks.

“Panjoo” means nice or beautiful place, and we couldn’t have a more perfect name for this lookout, which provides one of Australia’s iconic views, and a truly memorable sight for travellers,” Mr Cripps said.

“This lookout replaces a very popular lookout that was closed over three years for upgrades on the Bruce Highway between Ingham and Cardwell, which are now complete, and this is further proof of our commitment to make it easier to enjoy our National Parks” he said.

National Parks Minister Steve Dickson said the LNP Newman Government was committed to making Queensland the number one nature-based tourism destination in Australia.

“Tourism is a key pillar of our economy, but it has struggled under Labor’s decision to lock up some of our fantastic National Parks and mismanage others,” Mr Dickson said.

“This new lookout provides visitors with a unique opportunity to take a short walk up the 120 metre track to the lookout, and stand in the World Heritage Wet Tropics area – while gazing at the World Heritage Great Barrier Reef,” he said.

The $250,000 project was jointly funded by Powerlink and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, with Transport and Main Roads assisted with planning and permits.

Powerlink Queensland Chief Executive Merryn York said the project was built on strong relationships between Powerlink, QPWS, the Wet Tropics Management Authority and the community. “Powerlink wanted to generate positive environmental and community benefits as part of its work in replacing the old coastal high-voltage electricity transmission network between Townsville and Cairns,” Ms York said.

“The transmission line replacement project also used a number of innovative measures including painting selected towers in the vicinity of the Cardwell Range to minimise impacts to the views over Hinchinbrook Island.

Bandjin elder Russell Butler said the Hinchinbrook Channel and Island were special country to the Bandjin people.

“These areas provide calm waters and safe hunting for our people, and we are proud that the lookout will carry our traditional name of Panjoo,” Mr Butler said.

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