Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, says the Queensland Country Women’s Association is powering on in the Herbert River district, racking up important milestones and looking for new members.

Mr Cripps said it was important that residents in the Herbert River district were aware that the QCWA is active and doing good work for the local community, but also needed their support.

“I recently had the pleasure of chairing the annual general meetings of the Upper Stone, Abergowrie-Long Pocket, Forrest Beach and Halifax branches of the QCWA” said Mr Cripps.

“This year, the ladies from Upper Stone are celebrating 85 years since their branch was established and the Halifax ladies are celebrating their 75 year anniversary” he said.

“In addition, the ladies at Forrest Beach have chalked up 10 years since they formed their new branch – all in a year when the QCWA is marking 95 years of activity in Queensland”.

“The Abergowrie-Long Pocket branch went close to folding a couple of years ago, but a new group of younger women have taken up the challenge to keep it going and they are doing well”.

Mr Cripps said women across the Herbert River district would be welcome to join any of the QCWA branches serving the local community and contacts were available in the local phone book.

“Many ladies do take an interest in the traditional activities undertaken by the QCWA, for which they are well known, but they also do other things and support some very worthy causes”.

“For example, this year local QCWA branches made donations supporting cancer patients and research, local ambulance committees and local aged care facilities, among other things”.

Mr Cripps said he encouraged those who think they could be interested in joining the QCWA to contact a local branch and go along to a meeting for a friendly social and community event.

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