Tag Archives: Galilee Basin


Labor fiddled Adani tune while North Queensland burned

            The Palaszczuk Government’s much-publicised support for Adani Carmichael Coal Mine exposed as nothing more than a publicity stunt Opposition Question on Notice reveals Coordinator-General hasn’t used powers provided to him to progress Adani’s coal mine, rail infrastructure, or water infrastructure approvals More than 20 approvals secured for Carmichael project but none facilitated by […]



The LNP has today welcomed Adani’s continued commitment to North and Central Queensland, with several management and logistical announcements being made, as a number of final approvals for the Carmichael mine project drawn nearer to a conclusion. Shadow Minister for Mines and Northern Development, Andrew Cripps, said the much anticipated announcement that Adani’s regional operations […]

Adani coal

‘Do nothing’ Minister does nothing with Carmichael project

Two weeks after telling the Queensland Parliament there were no further impediments to him signing the mining lease for Adani’s Carmichael Mine project in the Galilee Basin, Labor’s do nothing Mines Minister has still done nothing, the LNP Opposition said today. Shadow State Development and Mines Minister, Andrew Cripps, condemned the Palaszczuk Government for ‘playing […]

Adani coal

Lynham should immediately sign Adani mining lease

State Development and Mines Minister Anthony Lynham should sign the Mining Lease (ML) for Adani’s Carmichael mine in the Galilee Basin immediately to create jobs for north and central Queensland. Shadow State Development and Mines Minister Andrew Cripps said the Environmental Authority (EA) issued to the project yesterday paved the way for the ML to […]


ALP Finally Recognises LNP’s Wisdom

    Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Planning, Small Business, Employment and Trade Tim Nichols has welcomed Labor’s acknowledgement of the LNP’s plan for opening up the Galilee Basin. “As the LNP has always said the expansion of Abbot Point is a vital component in developing the resources sector in North Queensland,” Mr Nicholls said. “Under […]

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  Two weeks after being appointed as the Minister for State Development, Natural Resources and Mines, Anthony Lynham has still not visited Bowen, Abbot Point or the Galilee Basin to talk to locals about jobs and the single biggest potential investment in Queensland’s resources sector. Visiting Bowen today, LNP Shadow Minister for Natural Resources, Mines, […]